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作者:枯玄  加入书架  仙王的日常生活枯玄  仙王的日常生活全文阅读
仙王的日常生活最新章节第两千两百二十七章 孙蓉的紧张(25-02-21)    第两千两百二十六章 沉没成本(25-02-20)    第两千两百二十五章 恶人自有恶人磨(25-02-19)    



today, ku xuan received the ssage fro the editor of the foreign editorial departnt “sunny“

sunny toldthat “iortal kg“ ranked eighththe onthly ticket list of overseas stations

as the author of this bk, i feel overwheld by an unexpected favour

“the daily life of the iortal kg“ will be adapted to aniations, gas and ics

i hope that all of you will ntue to pay attention!

i a very grateful to the support of foreign panionship of bks, thank you for your enjoynt of this work

as an author, i will try to plete this bk and write ore terestg stories to give back to everyone